Translation of Approvals and Licenses for Medical Devices

Translation of Approvals and Licenses for Medical Devices

Safety and quality are the main requirements for all medical devices, because they influence the health and even the life of the patient. The compliance of medical devices with established standards must confirmed with approvals.

Equipment, tools, materials and other products are often supplied to medical institutions from abroad. In this case, it is necessary to translate the approval into a foreign language.

Translation of approvals and licenses for medical devices is relevant for:

  • Companies importing medical devices to a country for subsequent sale
  • Rehabilitation centers and health clinics purchasing devices outside the country
  • Pharmacy chains
  • Individuals that require information on approvals in a foreign language

Edelweiss has been professionally working with medical documentation since 1997. Our employees are well versed in international standards for the drafting of approvals. Thus our clients receive a competent translation of medical documents into Russian and foreign languages.

Our company offers translation of the following types of approvals for medical devices:

  • Market authorization
  • Certificates
  • Certificate of registration
  • Expert Reports

and many others.

Edelweiss: professional translation of approvals for regulatory authorities!


